





Riverwalk is a sponsored 5km walk being held in various locations to raise funds for children and adults with brain injury and developmental disability.

Team Jordan2015

Fundraiser:Team Jordan2015
Event Date:10/04/2014 9:00:00 AM - 30/06/2015 9:00:00 AM
Donation Target:$35,000.00 (AUD)
Current Total Raised:$8783.15 (AUD)
Team Jordan2015

Hi, my name is Jordan,  I am a big 7 year old (nearly 8) I had an accident when I was 5 and this has left me unable to do the things that I loved to do. With your help, support and love I want to be able to get back doing the things that I loved.  I want to sing and dance as I am very good at this (regardless of what my sister Jess would say) I want to chase the birds in the park, jump in the puddles, ride my bike, kick the footy, chase my sisters (most likely in my undies) and eat all of the yummy food I love mmmmm.

Our beautiful baby boy was born on the 3rd of August 2005, his name is Jordan Daniel Breach.

Over the years we have watched him grow and be amazed at his passion for life. A very energetic little boy always on the go. Jordan has the sweetest nature and the most infectious laugh. Jordy was the most independent little boy always wanting to do everything for himself and when you asked him if he needed a hand you would hear him say- 'no, me do it'.

Sadly on August 25th 2010 Jordan choked on a toy block that he received as a gift for his 5th birthday just three weeks earlier and was rushed to hospital

Jordan sustained an acquired brain injury leaving him requiring 24/7 care and extensive list of special equipment.

All the funds we raise will be used to continue Jordan's ongoing treatments, therapies, equipment and medical needs. Every bit counts and any support you are able to offer is very much appreciated.

This is a long awaited update, wow how fast time goes. After spending 8 months in hospital Jordan came home at Easter time 2011. What an amazing little boy, Jordan is trying so hard everyday, not really sure how he does this he must be so exhausted. He is working hard at home with his therapy program, we have a wonderful team of ladies helping at home and we could not manage with out their support, help and love. Some weeks are really hard and others not so, but its really good knowing they are right behind Jordy waiting and wanting to help.

Jordan has done well since leaving hospital, not only has he put on 10kgs in weight but has also grown nearly 20cms in height, certainly not so little any more. Lost so many teeth the tooth fairy can't keep up.

Everyday he is using his voice, and trying to be heard, full of smiles and giggles, which is so good as they were a long time coming. He has full understanding of what is going on around him and we are seeing more of his wonderful personality coming through.

Trying hard to move his arms and legs and every time he achieves this he is full of smiles it's the same when he is propped up he thinks this is really funny and does big belly laughs and almost falls down.

Keep up the good work Jordan we know it's hard but it will all be worth it xxx.


Funds Raised


Fundraiser Supporters:

Captain Nemo's Pool & Spa Supplies18 April 2016$900
Hi Jordan wishing you and your family all the very best
Anonymous8 November 2015$138
Offline21 August 2015$820
Offline donations24 July 2015$268
21 October 2014$50
Riverwalk 201412 September 2014$1,763
Anastasia29 August 2014$50
All the best - I will give more when I can & have shared your story!
Anonymous13 April 2014$4,794
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