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Team Nicholas

Fundraiser:Team Nicholas
Event Date:19/11/2015 9:00:00 AM - 30/06/2016 5:00:00 PM
Donation Target:$25,000.00 (AUD)
Current Total Raised:$23449.00 (AUD)
Team Nicholas


I was born 10 weeks early, at two weeks of age scans showed I'd had a bleed in my brain and was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. At 10 months old Doctors told my Mum and Dad  I had  Quadriplegia Cerebral Palsy, this is the most severe form and affects my arms, legs, breathing and vision. In 2012, two days after my fifth birthday I had my first 30 minute Tonic Clonic seizure and have since been diagnosed with Epilepsy. I now have to carry medication with me wherever I go.

This year I turned 8.  I am in year 3 at Coolnwynpin State School in Capalaba. I really love school and have lots of friends. My favourite time is on the computer which I  access with special head switches, they make it easier for me because I can't see very well but I can follow the prompts which helps me to communicate with my friends and teachers.

In 2011, at age 4,  my family took me to America to do a 3 week block of intense therapy at the Pediatric Fitness Centre in Michigan, (TheraSuit Method).  In 2013 I did another two blocks of 4 week intensive therapy with  therapists who travelled to Australia from the NAPA Centre in Los Angeles and Pediatric Fitness Centre in Michigan.   These were  costly but very worthwhile. This made me a lot stronger in my arms and head control. I started taking steps in a specialised walker and also started to talk, I can say 'yes' and 'no' which helps everybody understand me.

My favourite saying is "LETS GO".

Last year my family fundraised  to take me back to America for a 5 week Intensive Therapy session at Polfit Wellness Center in California. Polfit also have the "Therasuit", this suit helps me use the correct muscles to sit, stand and walk. I amazed everybody by taking 280 steps  on a moving treadmill by the end of the fifth week. I can now pedal my special needs bike all by myself.

Just this January gone I had more botox injections, this time in my upper limbs as well as my calves and hamstrings. In June I had Orthopedic surgery to release some very tight muscles in my legs and this November I am booked in for more surgery in my elbows. Mummy says I am growing so fast that we need to make sure my very tight muscles keep up with my bone growth.

My weekly therapies  - Swimming, Hippotherapy, Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Speech therapy and Conductive Education are very expensive and any offers of support would be greatly appreciated!


  • Sponsor our team for the annual Riverwalk Event by pressing the "donate now" button on my webpage and receive an automatic tax deductible receipt. You can read about the event at
  • Help us raise sponsorship for our team through participation at the Annual Brisbane Riverwalk event by collecting donations on our behalf using pre-printed receipts supplied by The Developing Foundation Inc.
  • Send this page to your family, friends, colleagues and anyone else you can think of and invite them to donate. You can also visit my website -

All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. The Developing Foundation commits 90% of funds raised by or donated to our team, to these unmet needs. The remaining 10% is used by the charity to cover credit card charges, administration and support.

Thank you.

Funds Raised


Fundraiser Supporters:

Admin18 July 2019$1,125
Offline donations 18/19
Admin8 October 2018$725
Deposit 000020 5 October 18
Admin6 September 2018$460
Deposit 000020 3 September 18
Admin2 July 2018$680
Deposit 000020 29 June 18
Admin9 April 2018$220
Deposit 000020 6 April 18
Admin18 March 2018$250
Deposit 000020 14 March 18
Admin13 November 2017$300
Deposit 000020 7 November 17
Admin2 November 2017$520
Deposit 000020 31 October 17
Admin6 October 2017$840
Deposit 000020 4 October 17
Admin4 September 2017$880
Deposit 000020 1 September 17
Admin11 August 2017$1,225
Deposit 000020 31 July 17
Admin3 July 2017$650
Deposit 000020 30 June 17
Admin3 July 2017$280
Deposit 000020 16 June 17
Admin3 July 2017$200
Deposit 000020 7 June 17
Admin6 June 2017$570
Deposit 000020 02 June 17
Ron & Jenny Burton21 June 2016$100
A little hero who's always in our hearts
Offline29 September 2015$187
Offline28 August 2015$1,381
Ron and Jenny Burton19 June 2015$100
You are an inspiration.
Offline9 January 2015$450
Karen Ormston4 October 2014$100
You are inspiring and I see in your face that you light up the world.
Offline donations1 October 2014$456
Offline12 September 2014$138
Offline12 September 2014$125
Offline12 September 2014$118
Offline12 September 2014$84
Offline29 July 2014$130
Offline29 July 2014$122
Offline22 July 2014$381
Offline22 July 2014$502
Ron and Jenny Burton23 June 2014$100
What a beautiful inspiration you always are!
Offline17 June 2014$112
Offline10 June 2014$94
23 May 2014$140
23 May 2014$108
23 May 2014$187
Offline donation22 April 2014$188
Anonymous13 April 2014$9,221
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