The Developing Foundation was established in 1978 by families seeking appropriate treatment for a loved one with brain injury or developmental disability.
Team Mikayla
Team Mikayla
Event Date:
29/01/2021 9:00:00 AM - 30/01/2022 5:00:00 PM
Donation Target:
$20,000.00 (AUD)
Current Total Raised:
$0.00 (AUD)
Please Help me get a wheelchair accessible vehicle when I finish school so that I can be as independent as possible - like my friends, that's what I'm fundraising for because the car I will need is WAY more expensive than it would be if I didn't need one that could be modified to transport me in my power wheelchair.
Hi I'm Mikayla and I'm 16. We are fundraising towards a wheelchair accessible vehicle so that I can get around independently. Most kids my age are saving for their first car. For me to be able to travel within my wheelchair I will need a particular kind of car which can be modified to suit and that will be WAY more expensive :( Right now I'm focussed on my studies as I'm planning to go to university and get an awesome job so I don't need to fundraise in my future! It's going to take more than saving all my pennies to be able to get the car I need and until I get my degree, I will be more limited in the kinds of part time jobs I can realistically get right now because of how Cerebral Palsy affects me. One day I hope I will be able to be totally independent. I have worked hard all through my life to gain and maintain the best physical capabilities I can so that I can be as independent as I can. Having my own wheels that I use to get around will mean a lot and will mean I don't have to rely on taxis and other transport as well as support workers. To get there I'm going to need help and government help to get a vehicle I can travel in within my wheelchair just doesn't exist.
Please donate online or be a part of our fundraising team - Mikayla's Angels
DONATE ONLINE by clicking the 'Make a Donation' above Mikayla's photo and receive an automatic tax deductible receipt for donations $2 and over made in Australia. NOTE: Donations can still be made from overseas but Australian Tax Deductions don't apply.
SHARE THIS INFORMATION with your family, friends, colleagues, and anyone else you can think of to help us increase awareness of our fundraising efforts to make a difference to Mikayla's life. You can follow our journey at or "LIKE" our support page at
Volunteer to help us with our fundraising. Think of fundraising events that we could do or even consider running a fundraising event - perhaps through a community group you are linked with - to help Mikayla.
The Developing Foundation commits 90% of funds donated to Team Mikayla, towards Mikayla's unmet needs. The remaining 10% is used by the charity to cover credit card charges, administration and support.
If you have a question for our team please email us at
We thank you for any support you can give. It means a lot, because it will help to make a difference to Mikayla both now and into her future.
Mikayla and her family