







The Developing Foundation was established in 1978 by families seeking appropriate treatment for a loved one with brain injury or developmental disability.

Team Mikayla

Fundraiser:Team Mikayla
Event Date:29/01/2021 9:00:00 AM - 30/01/2022 5:00:00 PM
Donation Target:$20,000.00 (AUD)
Current Total Raised:$0.00 (AUD)
Team Mikayla

Please Help me get a wheelchair accessible vehicle when I finish school so that I can be as independent as possible - like my friends, that's what I'm fundraising for because the car I will need is WAY more expensive than it would be if I didn't need one that could be modified to transport me in my power wheelchair.

Hi I'm Mikayla and I'm 16. We are fundraising towards a wheelchair accessible vehicle so that I can get around independently. Most kids my age are saving for their first car. For me to be able to travel within my wheelchair I will need a particular kind of car which can be modified to suit and that will be WAY more expensive :( Right now I'm focussed on my studies as I'm planning to go to university and get an awesome job so I don't need to fundraise in my future! It's going to take more than saving all my pennies to be able to get the car I need and until I get my degree, I will be more limited in the kinds of part time jobs I can realistically get right now because of how Cerebral Palsy affects me. One day I hope I will be able to be totally independent. I have worked hard all through my life to gain and maintain the best physical capabilities I can so that I can be as independent as I can. Having my own wheels that I use to get around will mean a lot and will mean I don't have to rely on taxis and other transport as well as support workers. To get there I'm going to need help and government help to get a vehicle I can travel in within my wheelchair just doesn't exist.

Please donate online or be a part of our fundraising team - Mikayla's Angels


  • DONATE ONLINE by clicking the 'Make a Donation' above Mikayla's photo and receive an automatic tax deductible receipt for donations $2 and over made in Australia.  NOTE: Donations can still be made from overseas but Australian Tax Deductions don't apply.

  • SHARE THIS INFORMATION with your family, friends, colleagues, and anyone else you can think of to help us increase awareness of our fundraising efforts to make a difference to Mikayla's life. You can follow our journey at    or "LIKE" our support page at

  • Volunteer to help us with our fundraising. Think of fundraising events that we could do or even consider running a fundraising event - perhaps through a community group you are linked with -  to help Mikayla.

The Developing Foundation commits 90% of funds donated to Team Mikayla, towards Mikayla's unmet needs. The remaining 10% is used by the charity to cover credit card charges, administration and support.
If you have a question for our team please email us at

We thank you for any support you can give.  It means a lot, because it will help to make a difference to Mikayla both now and into her future.
Mikayla and her family


Funds Raised

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