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Sophie's Squad

Fundraiser:Sophie's Squad
Event Date:28/08/2016 9:00:00 AM - 01/09/2017 9:00:00 AM
Donation Target:$15,000.00 (AUD)
Current Total Raised:$25102.00 (AUD)
Sophie's Squad

My name is Sophie. I am five years old and my parents call me their  "little ray of soul shine". I came into this world with many giftspurity, innocence, courage, wonder, curiosity, joy and lessons to teach.  I also came with a little something extraKabuki Syndrome and Asperger's.Like many kids my age, I enjoy being read to, playing in the park, camping, going to my wonderful Montessori kindy, painting, jumping on the trampoline, playing with my train set and cars, spending time with my Nana and Papa, listening to music and dancing along.  Recently I started ballet lessons!  I just love life!

Unlike most other kids my age, I have 12 medical specialists (down from 19!) and four therapists. I work hard to achieve things that come naturally to most children.   I have had more doctors appointments in my few short years than most people will have in a lifetime.  I have had to undergo  surgery, hospitalisations, multiple blood draws, X-rays, hearing tests, EEGs, speech therapy, physiotherapy, horse riding therapy, occupational therapy, social skills therapy and more.  I have low muscle tone, delayed fine and gross motor development, social delays and speech articulation issues.  My therapy and medical needs will be ongoing....this is a marathon, not a sprint.

This year my parents are fundraising for therapy needs, medical expenses, special equipment (such as computer apps and sensory equipment), extra classroom support for when I start "big school" in  January, and expenses associated with special dietary needs and supplements.

Up until now, my Nana and Papa, Mummy and Daddy and Aunties and Uncles have been helping to pay for all of my additional needs.  Finances are getting very tight, and now we find ourselves needing to reach out to our friends and community to help support me on my journey. You can make a real difference to my future by helping to fund the specialised therapy and equipment I need to overcome the barriers of Kabuki Syndrome and Asperger's.

You can share my journey by visiting my Mum's blog about me at, and see the difference that your support will make.

All donations and any support that you can offer are very much appreciated.  Funds are held in a DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient account and will only be used for my needs.  Here are some ways that you can help me:

  •     Make a donation online at

  •     Think of a fundraising event we can do, tell us about it, and perhaps even help us to run it!

  •     Send my developing foundation fundraising webpage to your family, friends, workmates or even your Boss.

All donations of $2.00 or more are tax deductible. Corporate sponsorships are also available.  The Developing Foundation commits 90% of our fundraising directly to my expenses. The balance is used by the charity to cover administration and credit card expenses.  All donations are managed by The Developing Foundation and paid directly to my therapists etc, so you can be assured your money will be spent on meeting my needs.

For  more information on helping or if you have any questions for Sophie's Squad please visit or email or phone mummy (Kathy Reed) on 0404 866 098

Warm regards,

Sophie, Kathy Reed (Sophie's Mum) and Frank Egyed (Sophie's Dad)


Funds Raised


Fundraiser Supporters:

Jont26 February 2025$333
James Flatt7 December 2024$320
Hi Sophie ! We can't wait to see you at Christmas. This is for up 'til the end of 2024 Love Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
James R Flatt1 November 2024$640
Hi Sophie - we are so sorry to hear that you are in hospital again for complications. We are in Europe, but that doesn't mean we don't think of you. Uncle Jim thinks you would have especially loved "The Magic Flute" which we saw in Prague, Czech Republic. we have a version on DVD, and maybe we can all watch it together in the New Year. In the meantime, here is our payment for July - October, '74. Love Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
James Robert Flatt20 July 2024$320
Hi again Sophie ! We enjoyed "Mermaid" ! This is for May & June 2024. Love Uncle Jim
James Robert Flatt4 May 2024$480
Hi Sophie ! Omigosh - Uncle Jim has been slack! This is for February - April '24. See you soon...... Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
James Robert Flatt6 January 2024$320
Hi Sophie - great to see you at Christmas! We're so glad that you are enjoying acting! This is for Dec.'23 - Jan. '24. By the way, if you wonder why I always mention dates - it's Uncle Jim's way of reminding himself.....
James Robert Flatt2 November 2023$480
Hi Sophie - how's the acting going? We enjoyed Japan & bought you a kimono - will deliver when we see you next. We both caught a 'flu on the bus. This payment is for Sept. - November. Love Uncle Jim & Aun Kathy
James Robert Flatt26 August 2023$480
Hi Sophie - we really enjoyed your last Peter Pan show. I'm sorry that I lost track of these payments towards your theatrical training. Best wishes 'til we see you next Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
James Robert Flatt12 May 2023$320
G'day Sophie - hope to see you soon.....
James Robert Flatt25 January 2023$320
Hiya Sophie ! How was riding school ? We hope to see you soon. Uncle Jim & Aunty Kathy
James R Flatt15 January 2023$320
hiya Sophie ! I'm sorry I wasn't here this Christmas, but all my family in Canada send their greetings to you and your Mum & Dad. Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
James Robert Flatt14 November 2022$320
Hiya Sophie ! We enjoyed your last show. Hope the piano lessons are going well. I, (Uncle Jim) will miss you at Christmas - I'm going to Canada 1 xxx Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
James Robert Flatt29 August 2022$320
Hi Sophie ! Tickle those ivories... See you Friday. Wow, 13 already ! Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
James R Flatt6 July 2022$160
Hiya Sophie ! It was nice to have you over and hear you play the piano last week. Sorry we couldn't come to your show - hopefully next time ! Here's for your piano lessons for July - Uncle Jim was on time for a change ! love Aunt Kathy & Uncle Jim
James Robert Flatt6 May 2022$320
Hi Sophie - thanks for the call. See you on the 15th. This is for May - June "22 Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
James Robert Flatt13 April 2022$480
Hi Sophie - I fell a bit behind - sorry. This is for February, March & April Uncle Jim & Kathy
James Robert Flatt17 January 2022$320
Hi Sophie - are you coming to my film preview ? Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
James Robert Flatt4 September 2021$320
Hi Sophie - how's that arm ? Love Aunt Kathy & Uncle Jim
James Robert Flatt16 July 2021$352
Hi Sophie - we hope the piano lessons are continuing to be enjoyable. Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
Vee Willson19 May 2021$300
Hi Kathy, Thank you for your support with Keir. Love to you and Sophie Vee x
James Flatt30 March 2021$352
Hiya Sophie ! Keep tinkling the ivories - this is for March & April - Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
Anonymous10 January 2021$495
Anonymous10 January 2021$5
James Flatt9 January 2021$352
Hi Sophie - thanks for playing piano for us at Christmas. You are coming on well !
Gregor Drugowitsch5 January 2021$250
well done guys!
James Robert Flatt1 December 2020$176
Hi Sophie - will you play the piano for us at Christmas, please ? Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
Anonymous30 November 2020$2
James Robert Flatt22 October 2020$352
Hi Sophie - hope to see you soon. Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
James Robert Flatt22 August 2020$352
Hi Sophie - this is for your ongoing piano lessons for August & September Love Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
James Robert Flatt1 July 2020$352
Hi Sophie - we look forward to hearing you play when we next see you ! Love Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
Wayne Petty30 June 2020$300
Hi Sophie, I hope that you have had a good year so far and I hope that my small gift helps in some way x
Wayne Petty5 May 2020$300
I hope that this small gift helps. With Much Love Wayne
James Robert Flatt6 April 2020$352
We really liked the video of you playing, Sophie ! Love Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
James Robert Flatt6 March 2020$176
Hi Sophie - how are the piano lessons going ?
James Flatt5 February 2020$176
James Robert Flatt1 January 2020$160
Hi Sophie - enjoy your music lessons. Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
Anonymous11 December 2019$90
James Robert Flatt4 September 2019$150
Hoo Sophie ! This is an extra happy birthday sort of Aunt Kathy & Uncle Jim
Wayne Petty30 June 2019$500
I hope that this small gift helps you on your journey Sophie
Fabiana Baeta30 June 2019$185
Reference 010619MBDB
Vee Willson21 June 2019$140
Vee Willson11 April 2019$30
Wayne Petty27 March 2019$500
I hope that this small gift assists you Sophie. Love Wayne
Vee Willson22 March 2019$170
James Flatt10 February 2019$800
Hi Sophie - Happy New Year - here's for January & February - sorry I'm a little late.
James Robert Flatt2 November 2018$800
Hi all! Nov + Dec here. UJ & AK
James Robert Flatt4 September 2018$800
Hiya Sophie! What a terrific restaurant you picked for your birthday. It was great catching up with your Mom, Dad, Scott, Uncle, Aunties, and grandparents, too. Jannika says "Guten tag". UJ
James Robert Flatt4 July 2018$800
Hi Sophie ! Back to your regular monthly amount, as I understand you are having your hearing tested? 2 months here - maybe your Mum can explain inflation to you ? love Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
Wayne Petty30 June 2018$500
I hope that this small gift helps Sophie..
J & K Flatt3 May 2018$600
Hi Sophie - so sorry to hear you've been ill. Hope to see you soon. Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
Wayne Petty14 March 2018$500
I hope that this small gift assists you Sophie.
James Flatt22 February 2018$600
Hi Sophie. We hear from your Mum that you are starting theater! We love theater and have both been on stage many times. Here's for January - March '18. Love Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
Anonymous6 December 2017$700
Sophie - we heard about your report card! Good work - we are so proud of you. We're proud of your Mummy, too. She's the one who does the most to help you. Here's our bit for Nov. - Dec. Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
Jim Flatt, Naomi Flatt, Matthew Hee, Andrea McCarthy and Kathy Hee27 September 2017$700
Hi Sophie ! We miss you guys. Sept. + Oct. enclosed. UJ & AK
Jim Flatt, Naomi Flatt, Matthew Hee, Andrea McCarthy and Kathy Hee23 August 2017$350
Hi Sophie ! Well done in your school show as a cuddly koala! We will send you postcards from Europe. We hope to see you before we go, but. Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
donald9 August 2017$10
love you sophie and kathfka and ferenc the magnificent ;)
James Flatt20 July 2017$700
Hi Sophie - we hope you have a wonderful time on holiday ! Love Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
Wayne Petty29 June 2017$500
I hope that my gift helps in some small way.
Anonymous28 May 2017$700
Hi Sophie - we are so happy you enjoyed your camp ! Here's for your therapy for April & May. Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
James Flatt15 March 2017$350
Hugs - see you for "Peter and the Wolf" Have you guessed what instrument might play the wolf?
James Flatt3 February 2017$700
Hi Sophie & Kathy. This is for Jan - Feb J & K
Anonymous6 January 2017$150
Andrea Vickers28 December 2016$50
Love you guys
Wayne Petty22 December 2016$500
Merry Christmas Sophie, Kathy and Frank. I hope that my small gift will help you as you journey into 2017. Love Wayne
Anonymous16 December 2016$350
Hi Sophie - we hope you are having a good December. Seeb you at your Mom's on the 24th ! Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy
James Flatt19 November 2016$700
Hi Sophie - Uncle Jim & Aunt Kathy here - we hear you like the wolf we brought you from Canada. When do you start speech therapy again? Here's our contribution up until & including November @ $175 a month, while you are on a break from that therapy. Well done on winning the Principal's award at school, and keep up the homework! Uncle Jim & Kathy
Jessica1 November 2016$100
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