Riverwalk is a sponsored 5km walk being held in various locations to raise funds for children and adults with brain injury and developmental disability.
See Banjo Run
See Banjo Run
Event Date:
17/02/2020 9:00:00 AM - 17/02/2021 5:00:00 PM
Donation Target:
$20,000.00 (AUD)
Current Total Raised:
$600.00 (AUD)
Our vision is to help Banjo feel included in everyday life and fully supported to live the life he chooses.
Hello my name is Banjo and I am a happy cheeky 9 years old boy. I was born 16 weeks premature at 24 weeks gestation and spent 140 days in the neonatal Intensive Care Unit. I had lots of ups and downs during this time and due to my extreme premature birth, I now have Dystonic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy. I can not sit, crawl, walk or use my hands so I need full assistance with all daily tasks. I am very clever and can understand everything you say to me and love it when you understand what I have to say. I have done lots of hours of therapy and have made some wonderful gains with my head control, feeding and speech thanks to all my supporters cheering me on over the years. Its been such a busy 9 years, but I keep smiling through it all.
I am now in grade 3 at a mainstream school with a full time aide which I love. I have made many friends who make me laugh and are always there to make sure I am included. I recently got an electric wheelchair but due to the access to my home and vehicle I am unable to use it daily. I am still learning to drive it by using a head switch and I am very keen to overcome this issue so I can gain independence and make decisions on my own.
I also use a communication device which I am learning to use quite quickly but I need more practice using the switch and eye control option. This will allow me to have a more detailed conversations with my peers and answer questions in class. My speech is difficult to understand but I do like to be included in the conversation and get my opinion heard or make choices for myself.
I recently had a double hip operation and recovery has been quite slow, but thanks to everyones support we have been able to use my funds to install an outdoor spa so I can have hydrotherapy at home on a regular basis. This will help strengthen my legs, muscles and joints and get me back to where I was this time last year and enjoying spending time in my walker.
At the moment I would love an accessible access option and outdoor area, so I can use my electric wheelchair all the time. This would also give me an undercover area to sit and watch my sister play outside. I am super sensitive to light and wind so a covered in outdoor area with a ramp would be ideal for me to be able to get some fresh air and feel included in the outdoor fun.
How can you help?
Sponsor See Banjo Run by simply pressing the 'donate now' button and receive a tax deductible receipt for donations over $2
Email this link to you friends, family & colleagues and ask them to donate.
All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. The Developing Foundation commits 90% of funds raised by or donated to our team, to these unmet needs. The remaining 10% is used by the charity to cover credit card charges, administration and support.
If you have any questions please feel free to call Diana 0438 420 728
or follow our progress on Facebook http;//facebook.com/SeeBanjoRun
Thank you for your support, we really appreciate it.
Diana, Brad, Banjo and Nellie
Funds Raised
Fundraiser Supporters:
Julie Colthup
30 June 2022
Keep on smiling Banjo! Love from Julie and Jack
Julie Colthup
26 June 2021
With much love and support. From Julie and Jack
Kim Kozis
10 July 2020
Good luck with the fund raiser. Hope Banjo is free-wheeling soon! Love, Kim and George Kozis
7 July 2020
Simone Bloomfield
25 June 2020
Julie Colthup
23 June 2020
Hi Banjo Each year your smile gets bigger and bigger. Keep smiling young man! from Julie and Jack